Tennis Europe has released the latest in its pioneering series of educational ‘Junior School’ videos. The new clip is hosted by wheelchair tennis player Samanta Bullock and explores the topics of equity, diversity and inclusion in the tennis world. She explains how tennis players are global citizens and describes the ways in which discrimination and bias can affect a player. Watch below >>
The video clip is one of many produced for the Tennis Europe Junior School, and is available for all junior players, coaches, and parents free-of-charge. The School is the only player education program to be approved by the International Tennis Federation and the two professional tours, ATP and WTA.
Update: The clip is now available with subtitles translated into several languages: ENG | ESP | FRA | RUS
Tennis Europe CEO Thomas Hammerl said, “We are pleased to add this important topic to the School’s growing library of videos. We fully support the ITF’s ‘Advantage All’ campaign, which aims to ensure that tennis is an equal opportunity sport and a role model for all Olympic and Paralympic sports. With this clip we want to ensure that our young players understand the importance of gender balance, diversity and inclusion, and show how by paying close attention to these areas we can make tennis better for everyone.”
Meanwhile this week, Tennis Europe staff hosted two on-site sessions of the Junior School at major events. Junior Tennis Manager Stephanie Kamberi was joined at the 14&U Lexus Roehampton Junior International In London by representatives of the ITF and the International Tennis Integrity Agency to present the topics of Safeguarding, Integrity, and Nutrition/Hydration to the players.
And at the Super Category 16&U Torneo Avvenire in Milan, Bianca Caloian and Yannis Blackburn from the Communications Department (pictured, below) debuted the diversity topic alongside a look at the role of the media in tennis. The players then took part in an interactive quiz with Dunlop goodies for the winner.
Launched in 2019, the Junior School is devised to assist young players on their journey to becoming professional athletes. To review all of the Junior School’s video resources, please click here.