Tennis Europe Winter Cups by Dunlop

Launched in 1977, the Tennis Europe Winter Cups has evolved into the sport's premier indoor junior team tennis competition. Played across the Junior Tour's three age categories (12, 14, 16 & Under), the event is open to teams nominated by European national federations and provides an invaluable opportunity to play in team conditions during the winter months.

The event is played in two stages. During the qualifying stage, teams travel to compete in one of four qualifying groups, each of which hosts up to eight nations. The winning teams from each qualifying round are joined by the host nation and three other nations at the final rounds a fortnight later.

2025 Tennis Europe Winter Cups by Dunlop

The schedule for the 2025 competition is as follows:


Fact Sheets

Boys 12 & Under | Girls 12 & Under
Boys 14 & Under | Girls 14 & Under
Boys 16 & Under | Girls 16 & Under


Final Rounds

Boys 12 & Under - Sunderland (GBR) 7-9 February | Nominations | Draw | Day 1 | Day 2Day 3
Teams: Romania, Serbia, Great Britain, Poland, Italy, Türkiye, Denmark and France

Girls 12 & Under - Sunderland (GBR) 7-9 February | Nominations | Draw | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3
Teams: Austria, Croatia, Czechia, Ukraine, Great Britain, Greece, Latvia and Finland

Boys 14 & Under - Niederzier (GER) 13-15 February | Nominations | Draw | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Photos
Teams: Czechia, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Türkiye, Netherlands, Sweden

Girls 14 & Under - Rakovnik (CZE) 13-15 February | Nominations | Draw | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Photos
Teams: Czechia, Great Britain, Israel, Serbia, Slovakia, Switzerland, Türkiye, Ukraine

Boys 16 & Under - Ronchin (FRA) 14-16 February | Nominations | Draw | Day 1 | Day 2 | Photos
Teams: Czechia, France, Germany, Italy, Serbia, Slovakia, Türkiye, Ukraine

Girls 16 & Under - Brest (FRA) 14-16 February | Nominations | Draw | Day 1 | Day 2 | Photos
Teams: Austria, Belgium, Czechia, France, Great Britain, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine


Previous Results / Rolls of Honour

Boys 12 & Under | Girls 12 & Under
Boys 14 & Under | Girls 14 & Under 
Boys 16 & Under | Girls 16 & Under